We made three presentations at the 13th Annual Conference of the Japan Emotionology Society

横洲 有咲・丸山 貴彦・宮田 裕光 (2024). 武道の瞑想的ペアワーク「わかめ体操」の実践体験による自他境界の変化と創造性──ランダム化比較試験による検討── 第13回日本情動学会大会 P22 兵庫県神戸市 神戸大学楠キャンパス 2024年11月9─10日 (2024年10月9日発表) (査読あり)
山崎 果歩・宮田 裕光 (2024). マスクを着用した顔刺激の感情認知に内受容感覚への鋭敏さがおよぼす影響 第13回日本情動学会大会 P20 兵庫県神戸市 神戸大学楠キャンパス 2024年11月9─10日 (2024年10月9日発表) (査読あり)
Saldarini, F., Morriss, J., Miyata, H., & Cropley, M. (2024). An online intervention study investigating the therapeutic mechanisms of mindfulness-based interventions for chronic stress reduction: Preliminary results. 第13回日本情動学会大会 P8 兵庫県神戸市 神戸大学楠キャンパス 2024年11月9─10日 (2024年10月9日発表) (in English) (査読あり)
Latest Blog
Award2024.11.10A poster by Arisa Yokosu has been awarded the Excellent Poster Award at the 13th Annual Conference on Japan Emotionology Society#Japan Emotionology Society #Excellent Poster Award #wakame exercise
Award2024.10.31Mr. Ryuzo Kijima from La Salle High School was selected as the Best Presenter at the 88th Annual Conference of the Japanese Psychological Association's "Undergraduate and High School Student Presentation Battle"#Japanese Psychological Association #Presentation Battle #Best Presenter Award
Presentation2024.10.27We made three poster presentations at the 11th Annual Conference of the Japanese Association of Mindfulness#Japanese Association of Mindfulness #traditional tea ceremony
- Takaomi Matsuo
- music activist
- music therapy
- concert
- Christmas
- Let It Be
- Kiyoko Maeda
- Ginza Lion
- recorder
- Japanese Association of Mindfulness
- Excellent Research Award
- pre-meal reflection
- breath counting
- intervention study
- poster
- body dysmorphic concern
- mindful eating
- COVID-19 pandemic
- goodbye party
- Miyata laboratory
- Japanese Association of Health Psychology
- bruxism
- clenching
- TMD mantra
- apple
- organic
- fertilizer-free
- low pesticides
- Natsubori Farm
- Japanese Laughter Yoga Association
- laughter yoga
- Fukushima Medical University
- lecture
- full-on-demand
- open course
- Life World and the Body
- Mind-Body Theory
- Research Seminar
- fall semester
- seminar
- seminar paper
- group research
- presentation session
- mindfulness meditation
- Japanese Association of Somtics & Somatic Psychology
- Somatic Forum
- Naikan therapy
- Morita therapy
- Japanese Psychological Associtation
- Kobe
- class
- Spring Semester
- 2023 Academic Year
- Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists
- Master's degree
- graduation ceremony
- Contemporary Human Studies
- School of Culture, Media and Society
- vice-representative
- Azusa Ono Memorial Award
- Kaho Yamasaki
- farewell party
- Somatic Waseda Forum
- article
- Japanese Journal of Laughter and Humor Research
- graduate school
- reception party
- PR department
- Sachihiko Serizawa
- Constructive Living
- Satoshi Hasegawa
- Shugendo
- bodywork
- Advanced Seminar
- mindfulness
- apple juice
- mindful listening
- undergraduate seminar
- Welcome party
- qualia
- Nishida Philosophy
- traditional tea ceremony
- Japan Emotionology Society
- Excellent Poster Award
- wakame exercise
- Japanese Psychological Association
- Presentation Battle
- Best Presenter Award