

We made three poster presentations at the 15th STYP (Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists)

The 15th STYP (Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists) was held at Toyama Campus, Waseda University, on Saturday, March 8, 2025, as in previous years. Opportunities like this are invaluable, as it is often difficult to keep up with the research being conducted by graduate students and early-career researchers without such events.

From the Miyata Laboratory, we presented three posters this year as well. Some of them contained content similar to those presented at previous conferences, but since the audience is usually different each time, we can always gain new insights and perspectives.

I would like to see more members participating in the Research Seminar actively presenting at this event. However, overall, the number of conference presentations has been increasing each year, which is a positive trend.

Saldarini, F., Clemente, D., Ueno, K., Granato, M., & Miyata, H. (2025). Psychological correlates of Judo practice as physical education: An upcoming online cross-sectional study in Japanese and Italian samples. 第15回Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists (15th STYP) 29-A 東京都新宿区 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス第1会議室 2025年3月8日

櫻本 香織・石川 遥至・宮田 裕光 (2025). 茶の湯における「盆略点前」の実践体験における心理的効果──大学生を対象としたランダム化比較試験── 第15回Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists (15th STYP) 7-B 東京都新宿区 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス第1会議室 2025年3月8日

宮田 裕光・魯 彩恩 (2025). 禅宗の「五観の偈」と数息観の実践がマインドフルネスとむちゃ食い傾向におよぼす効果──ランダム化比較試験による検討── 第15回Society for Tokyo Young Psychologists (15th STYP) 6-C 東京都新宿区 早稲田大学戸山キャンパス第1会議室 2025年3月8日

Hiromitsu Miyata
Hiromitsu Miyata

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