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Graduation Ceremony of Contemporary Human Studies, School of Culture, Media and Society, for the 2021 Academic Year was held.
On March 25, 2022, graduation ceremonies of the School of Culture, Media and Society and of the Contemporary Human Studies were held. In our seminar, a total of 12 students graduated today, including 11 fourth generation students. In the same way as in 2021, we were pleased to have in-person ceremonies. I handed these students the graduation certificates.
At the graduation ceremony (3/25/2022)
The graduating students have continued to participate in the seminar every week to complete their seminar theses, while they have also had to work on job hunting or study for the graduate school in parallel. These tasks must have been tough for their mind-body. However, after overcoming these challenges, all the graduates showed their best smiles today!
Graduates from the Seminar (3/25/2022)
To cerebrate the graduation, third-grade students in the seminar presented the graduates with a handkerchief into which each graduate's name was embroidered.
In the everyday classes, I frequently decide that I have to give relatively high academic requirements and/or point out faults in the students' studies, even at the undergraduate level. However, every year I continue to wish that I could see the graduating students showing their best smiles on the day of the graduation ceremony.
A psychological study on well-being suggests that smiles expressed in the graduation photos are positively associated with success in later life. Even though we are still living in the difficult times, I do believe that the graduates will have a brilliant future. Congratulations!
Cherry blossoms have started to bloom at Toyama Campus this year.