Seminar on Human Mind and Body (Mind and Body), Contemporary Human Studies, School of Culture, Media and Society
What Is Seminar on Human Mind and Body (Mind and Body) ?
Outline of the Seminar
In the present day, remarkable progress in science and technology such as communication using social media (SNS) and artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about rapid and drastic changes in our relationships with others and the society. On the other hand, psychological problems related to mental disorders, medical care, psychological well-being etc. have increasingly become more diverse and complex. In such ages, how can we understand the relationships between human mind and body, and what can we do to live better lives?
In our seminar, we investigate scientific studies on human mind mainly in the fields of psychology, in order to uncover how human mind and body are related to each other in diverse ways. In parallel with these studies, we also refer to various embodied practices and thoughts that are mainly originated from the Eastern traditions, to seek for an integrative and harmonious understanding of humans as "Shin-Shin Ichi Nyo (Body and Mind as One)."
Schema of the Mind-Body Seminar
Research Areas and Topics
Embodied psychology, somatic psychology, and Eastern mind-body theory are the core research areas of ours, but we also study a wide range of topics relevant to mind and body, in the interdisciplinary fields including clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, neuroscience, psychosomatic medicine, philosophy, etc. Various themes from mind-body health and well-being of our own to the philosophical issues of human beings are within our scope.
Even if you are currently unfamiliar with these areas, you can advance your research based on your own interest, given that you are interested in how mind and body of the contemporary people are related to each other in various contexts including your own experience in actual life and how you interact with others and the society.
What We Do in the Seminar
In the School of Culture, Media and Society, second-year students belong to one of the six theoretical configurations, and third-year students belong to the seminars (or graduation research). Thus, seminars are run for two years. In our seminar we are conducting academic activities based on the following three principles, with the purpose of completing the seminar thesis at the fourth year as a final achievement as an undergraduate. More detailed information regarding the seminar can be found at the pages for each academic year, as well as in the seminar guides.
Final Research Presentation in January
【1】We Learn Basics of Psychology
To conduct studies in psychology as a natural science, one needs to sufficiently master basic knowledge and skills. Our seminar activities include (1) acquisition of basic knowledge not only in the core areas of embodied and somatic psychology, but also in the relevant areas including clinical psychology, cognitive psychology, physiological psychology, etc., (2) mastering the theory and actual practice of statistical data analysis, and (3) training how to read and write scientific articles and reports by correcting the students' drafts, and so on.
【2】We Conduct Psychological Studies
In the seminar, students experience actual psychological studies including designing the research plan, collecting and analyzing the data, and writing the paper. Third-year students conduct group studies that involve questionnaire surveys and/or experiments such as autonomic nervous system measurements, which are put together in the group theses. Fourth-year students then conduct their own studies to complete their seminar theses. Depending on each student's interests and research topics, they can optionally write seminar theses without collecting original data.
【3】We Experience Embodied Practices
Parallel to the classroom learning, we provide students with opportunities to experience various Eastern mind-body practices or somatics/bodywork. More specifically, we regularly hold practice sessions of mindfulness and meditation, martial arts, traditional yoga, laughter yoga, etc., many of which are provided by invited lecturers. Anyone can safely participate in these sessions regardless of prior experiences in these practices or other prerequisites.
Below are some of the main references that are highly relevant to the research ares covered in our seminar. Some of these publications are used as teaching materials in Professor Miyata's classes. You can read many of them by yourself if you are interested and motivated. There are also many other good references in these areas.
From Professor Miyata's Shelf
Embodied/Somatic Psychology & Eastern Mind-Body Theory
・ 春木 豊 (2011). 動きが心をつくる──身体心理学への招待── 講談社
・ 春木 豊・山口 創編 (2016). 身体心理学──身体行動 (姿勢・表情など) からの心へのパラダイム── 川島書店
・ 久保 隆司 (2011). ソマティック心理学 春秋社
・ 久保 隆司・日本ソマティック心理学協会編 (2015). ソマティック心理学への招待──身体と心のリベラルアーツを求めて── 星雲社
・ 湯浅 泰雄 (1990). 身体論──東洋的心身論と現代── 講談社
・ 湯浅 泰雄 (1986). 気・修行・身体 平河出版社
・ J. カバット-ジン (2007). マインドフルネスストレス低減法 北大路書房
・ Z. V. シーガル他 (2007). マインドフルネス認知療法──うつを予防する新しいアプローチ── 北大路書房
・ E. ヘリゲル (1981). 弓と禅 (稲富 栄次郎・上田 武訳) 福村出版
・ 西田 幾多郎 (1923). 善の研究 岩波書店
・ 鈴木 大拙 (2008). 日本的霊性 中央公論新社
・ 鈴木 大拙 (1997). 新編 東洋的な見方 (上田 閑照編) 岩波書店
Basics of Psychology & Psychometrics
・ 板口 典弘・相馬 花恵 (2017). ステップアップ心理学シリーズ 心理学入門 講談社
・ 板口 典弘・山本 健太郎(2017). ステップアップ心理学シリーズ 心理学レポート・論文の書き方 講談社
・ 板口 典弘・森 数馬 (2017). ステップアップ心理学シリーズ 心理学統計入門 講談社
・ 小宮 あすか・布井 雅人 (2018). Excelで今すぐはじめる心理統計──簡単ツールHADで基本を身につける── 講談社
・ 石村 貞夫・石村 光資郎 (2013). SPSS による統計処理の手順 東京図書
・ 石村 貞夫・石村 光資郎 (2015). SPSS による分散分析と多重比較の手順 東京図書
For Prospective Members & Visitors
For the second-year students who belong to the Contemporary Human Studies, we hold "open seminars" around the beginning of the Fall Semester, so that anyone interested in the seminar can participate in them. There are also observers and drop-in participants. Please feel free to contact the professor to ask any questions regarding the seminar.
・ E-mail: miyata<at-mark> (Please replace "<at-mark>" with "@")